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Showing posts from November, 2016

Science of Sleep - Lessons of Royce

THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP (From Royce's Footnotes) I have had the fruitful opportunity to receive a lecture on the technicalities of sleep, sponsored by my company, Tropicana Corporation Berhad. The speaker is also known as a sleep doctor, or sleep specialist, which can also be your GP or Ear, Nose & Throat specialist. There is also the American Board of Sleep Medicine -  to understand a collective of Sleep scholars. R.E.M - Rapid Eye Movement There are 5 stages of REM sleep and we begin our sleep by entering heavier, uninterrupted sleep at the start and progress into longer alternating intervals of light REM sleep and Deep (Non-REM sleep). TOOLS OF THE TRADE (PSG) EEG   (electroencephalogram) to measure and record  brain  wave activity EMG  (electromyogram) to record muscle activity such as face  twitches ,  teeth  grinding, and leg movements; i...