I love watching videos from Ted.com, it always inspires me. Ethan Zuckerman: Listening to global voices | Video on TED.com As I have spent last year testing out the theory of creating niche networks and subgroups. I always thought it was an inevitable and positive direction. This lecture has pointed out that it is also increasing our ignorance towards other cultures and ideas. Being a xenophile, I've always liked that I have one foot in traditional asian ideals and one in modern western mentality. I see myself as the 'Bridge figure' that Ethan refers to. One from two worlds and endowed with the translating ability between worlds, in my case, at least five worlds. " Language is the access key to knowledge" this quote rings true for me as I know that after learning Mandarin and its writing, you understand how it shapes culture, how it sets the foundation for interaction between humans. I think Ethan makes a very good point that we're all generating this ...